Fico Alvo (local variety of fig)

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Fico Alvo (local variety of fig)

Fico Alvo (local variety of fig)

Ficus carica L.


Medium-high vigor tree with open habit. The variety produce two fruits (fioroni and forniti). The first crop figs are even twice the size of the supplied ones, ovoid and oblong in shape. They weigh an average of 90 grams. Uniform with flat apex. They have a very large, drop-free and resistant to cracking ostiol, with large, whitish, adherent scales. Medium length neck and short peduncle, often difficult to absciss from the branch. Green skin with prominent longitudinal lines, rubbery, with moderately numerous lenticels, translucent green. Medium degree of peeling. Flesh light pink in color, with coarse texture, low juiciness and neutral or slightly sweet flavor. Small fruit cavity.
The items supplied are ovoid in relation to the position of the maximum diameter and oblate in relation to the dimensional ratio (diameter/length). The apex is flat. They are uniform, medium in size (41.5 grams). The neck is absent. The ostiol is very large, has a pinkish drop, has large scales, pinkish in color (different from the color of the epidermis) and adherent; it also has cracks. The petiole is short and thick and branch abscission is difficult. The peel, of medium hard consistency, is greenish yellow in color with no excess color. The lenticels are on average numerous, white in color and of medium size. Easy to peel, with prominent longitudinal lines on the fruit surface and longitudinal cracks especially in ripe fruit. The pulp is pink in color, with a pleasant but not very pronounced flavor, medium texture, slightly juicy. The internal cavity of the fruit is medium to large.

The ripening of the first crop figs takes place between the end of June and the beginning of July, while that of the supplied ones takes place at the end of August.

The origins and provenance of this accession in the region are not known.
Various Authors speak of this variety, of which we give an account to follow in chronological order. It is Gallesio, from a historical point of view, which provides the most detailed information on the variety thanks to the rich and detailed pomological file and the splendid botanical table. Gallesio also certifies the presence of the Fico Albo in Umbria as well.
Arturo Mancinelli also speaks of the variety, with reference to the Amerino area, in a writing of 1925, entitled “The figs and plums of Amelia”. This essay is of particular interest as it provides precise information on the main varieties of fig and plum grown at the time, not neglecting to give valuable information about the technical aspects of the processing and packaging of dried fruits which at the time was an activity in Amelia especially thriving.
Currently, the variety continues to enjoy little consideration among farmers, as evidenced by a proverbial saying. «You are like the fico alvo» is a statement referring to a person of little importance, in relation to the characteristic of the variety of ruining itself with little, “like after a rain” (informant: Fermina). A statement that is also confirmed by the considerations that Gallesio (Pomona Italiana) makes on the variety: «The rains offend it, and make it insipid […]».

Municipality of Amelia, but historically widespread in Central Italy.

For fresh consumption and, secondarily, also for drying.

Texts taken from “Regional Register of Autochthonous Genetic Resources of the Umbria Region”